If the title doesn’t grab you, then the story will. You Heard It Here First is a political romance novel written by Erin McBride. Here is summary of the story:
From the moment girl-next-door Haley McAdams met America’s Favorite News Reporter Camden Morrison, her life hasn’t been the same. Suddenly she has everything she ever wanted – love, money, and career success. But can she handle the pressures that come with it?One day she’s a financial blogger, the next, a TV expert on a political scandal. Her on-air epiphanies, and liberated writing style has landed some powerful men in hot water, and there are consequences to pay.Just as her career takes off, so does her love life. But the memories of her past make it hard to accept the good things around her. Is her rich and famous boyfriend the real reason for her new success? Does he really love her? Or does he have an ulterior motive too?Haley is a good girl from a loving family with traditional values, but she knows her way around the world of finance and politics. She may be virtuous, but she is not naïve. And if there is one thing she has learned, it is that money is the root of all evil.
First, I must say that this is the first book I have read in a long time that the main character did not give up her beliefs for some guy she is in a relationship with. I love that about Haley. I also love that she finds it hard to accept how successful her life has become. She chooses to give credit to everyone, thinking that they are the ones who did it for her instead of looking at all the hard work she has put into her career herself.
There is a mixture of characters in this book from different backgrounds. For instance, Haley’s best friend is an African-American woman named Jess, who is struggling to take care of her sick Gran ( who, by the way, Haley considers her grandmother as well) to Camden, the wealthy news anchor who came into his money by inheriting it. It is only after Haley has a conversation with Cam that she realizes that he worries about money, but on a bigger scale than she does. And don’t we all, at some point in our lives, worry about money in some way, shape, or form?
We are so quick to judge people from their outward appearances that we never seem to think that they, too, might be having some issues. Sometimes, people put on a show because they don’t want people to know how they are. I know several people like that in my life, and I suspect you do as well.
I would highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to read a love story where the relationship has to struggle with time issues, long distance, and communication.
If you want to buy this book, check it out on Amazon.
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