Did you know that I started “live chats” on the Facebook page of one of my other blogs, Adventures of Frugal Mom? I have turned these chats into a podcast “Chats from the Blog Cabin” and I even post them on Youtube. I have the occasional author in the blog cabin virtually to chat with me. Today I am going to be highlighting one of those authors, Sandy Brannan.
Sandy Brannan is a North Carolina author who just recently released her third book, Masquerade. She has also written So Much Stays Hidden and Becoming Invisible. I was a fan of hers before I knew she was a writer because her primary job is that of an English teacher. She was actually my youngest daughter’s 6th grade English teacher. Gracie was in her class when she experienced her first of many seizures that year. Sandy handled that incident like a real pro. Okay enough about that, let’s get to what this post is really about her books and her writing style.

Sandy’s books contain complex relationships centered around family how they interact with each other. She is a Christian based author and you can see those beliefs throughout her writing. She is not afraid to share with her readers the stories behind her stories and tackles some tough topics with finesse.
The way she writes gives the readers a peek into the facade that most people put up to protect themselves. But as you go deeper into her characters you see the cracks and realize that most of her characters are holding on by a thread. Sometimes they crack before you expect them too. And then there are others that you are surprised that they crack when they do.
I love all the books I have read by her, but my favorite is still Becoming Invisible. There is something about a book where a mother daughter relationship is an integral part of the story that just pulls on my heart strings. Maybe it is because I am mom of 3 beautiful girls or maybe I mourn never feeling very close to my own mom. Who knows but there is something there.
But I will say that Brannan’s books should come with a warning label- MAY CAUSE TEARS TO FLOW. KEEP TISSUES HANDY. Yep, they are tear-jerkers for sure – but isn’t life? If anybody says they have gotten through life without crying, just assume their lying.
Her books are very quick reads, so it would be perfect to read on a rainy day, on a beach enjoying a day under the sun, or if you are traveling. ( Hopefully, that will happen for all of us soon.)
I have really gotten to enjoy getting to know the other side of Mrs. Brannan. I used to know her by that name but now I know her as Sandy.
If you are interested in seeing my interview with her, check out the youtube video below.
But if you are traveling consider subscribing to the Podcast and listen to my interview with her as well all the other interviews I have done so far, while you are on the go.
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