I hung up and returned to the newspaper, which by now lay under Churchill’s fluffy white body. It read:
A twenty-year-old coed was stabbed to death in her backyard on West Rutherford Street, one block from the UGA track. She had apparently been out for a jog. The article said the police had few leads. The ghastly details from the emails flashed in my head. I put the paper aside. The track was a couple of blocks from my house. I walked to my front door and bolted the lock. Returning, I picked up the envelope that had contained the typewritten note. It had no postmark. With hands trembling, I lifted the phone to call the police. Before I got halfway through the number, I stopped. If those e-mails were from a patient, Dr. B would kill me if I contacted the police without talking to him. I dialed his cell and got the answering service. “Is this an emergency?” the woman asked. I had no idea how to answer that question.
“No, but tell him Jenna called and to call me back as soon as he can.”
I paced the house for fifteen minutes. Why the devil isn’t he calling me back?
With my head screaming stop and my heart screaming go, I dialed the police.
On this anything but typical Monday morning Jenna Scali, who works part-time for a shrink, opens an email that depicts the brutal death of a young girl. On that same day the police uncover a dead coed two blocks from Jenna’s house. The e-murderer’s description creepily echos the death described in the newspapers.
When Jenna receives other emails, she takes what she knows to the police and thus begins her journey in the path of the e-murderer. Her curious nature impels her from e-messages to dead coeds to a ring of prostitutes. With the help of her quirky friends, Jenna learns that she’s more than a conduit for the killer. She’s his target. New secrets unfold, and finally her love life takes a tumble when the true killer emerges.
THE E-MURDERER is a race to find a psychotic killer before he kills again.
This new mystery series with a young female sleuth promises to keep you glued to your seat until the last page.
Buy on Amazon / Barnes and Noble / Kobo Books / MuseItUp Publishing
The author is giving away two prizes: One, a $15 Amazon or BN Gift card (their choice) and Two, a signed copy of the award-winning book, The Clock Strikes Midnight.
About the author:
Joan is an award-winning writer who has published 6 books and numerous stories. Readers compare her to the great Southern writer, Fanny Flagg. “She writes characters and a story that will stay with you.”
Her debut mystery/suspense novel, The Clock Strikes Midnight, won the silver medal for fiction/suspense in the Global eBook Awards for 2015 and is a finalist for the Royal Palm Literary Award. The e-Murderer won first place in the Malice Domestic Grants competition for new writers.
Joan has been an avid reader for as long as she can remember. She reads all kinds of books, including women’s fiction, mysteries, biography, and nonfiction. Mystery/suspense with a psychological twist is exactly the kind of book Joan loves to read.
“I write about characters who remind me of myself at times and my sister at times, but never fully so. My stories are told from a woman’s point of view with a destiny. Characters drive my writing and my reading.”
Having grown up in the South with a mother from Westchester County New York, Joan has a unique take on blending the Southern traditions with the eye of a Northerner. She spent most of her childhood in North Carolina and now resides in Athens, Georgia.
Author website: http://www.
Facebook Author page: http://www.facebook.com/
Thanks for hosting me on your blog today and for sharing an excerpt from the e-Murderer.
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