If you are anything like me, I am always looking for something to mark where I stopped reading. I hate to turn the pages down on a book, but sometimes it is a necessary evil, especially when I either misplace my bookmark or start a new book and forget to throw a bookmark in there.
Most of my reading time is done while I am waiting for my daughter to get out of school. I leave early on purpose so that I can read. My life is so busy that I have to build in this time to read. I love to read but sometimes life just gets in the way.
Most of the time I grab the mail before I go get here, so when this bookmark comes in I think it is going to be my car bookmark. It is always good to have a car stash right. I mean most people have chapsticks designated for car, home, work, and purse so why can’t we have bookmarks?
So to grab your free bookmark by clicking on Free Kate McNeill Autographed Bookmarks.
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