If I could have dinner with one author, living or dead, who would it be? I came upon that question the other day, and it made me think. I love a variety of books, so I wouldn’t say that one author really stands out to me. So I decided to answer this question the only way I knew how to divide it into genres, so here it goes.
For Fiction
I would have to say I would like to sit down and have lunch with two fabulous ladies.
Deanna J. Smith
You may remember my review of one of her books, End of the Road, here. But before I found her as a writer, I found her blog, and I found the way she tackles life raising a family, which happens to include a child with Down’s Syndrome ( Which I might add she highlights in her books) Once I discovered that she was publishing books – I devoured them both.
Fiona Davis
She is one of my new favorite authors. I love how she writes historical fiction. She entwines real landmarks in New York City into her works. I was first introduced to her by the Book of the Month Club. I wasn’t familiar with her writings beforehand, and I was drawn to her first book by the title Magnolia Palace, because Magnolias are my favorite tree. After I devoured that book, I have read just about everything she has written and can’t wait to see what she writes next.
For some, this might not be considered nonfiction, but I would love to sit and sup with Paul.
Paul from The Bible
For those who are not familiar with Paul, he was believed to have written 13 books of The Bible. He wrote these books while he was going through many of the worse trials and tribulations of his life. But yet, he was capturing these experiences so that we could learn from them.
Lysa and Nicki
Along that line, I would love to break bread with Nicki Koziark and Lysa TerKeurst as well. I was actually able to interview Nicki on Chats from the Blog Cabin. And I have heard Lysa speak a few times, but to sit down and have a meal with them would be awesome.
Last Category
Then comes my last category- authors I have met online and become friends with but have not yet met in person. That list is easy it would be Gail Priest, Twandra Kandle, and Mandie Stevens. I met these ladies through a book promotional pr team and became friends with them. So to meet them in real life would be a treat.
By the way, I also interviewed all of them on the podcast. You can listen to their episodes here
So these are the authors I would sit down and have dinner with. Tell me, what authors would you choose?
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