Candy and the Cankersaur, written by Jason Sandberg, is an excellent homage to children’s author Syd Hoff. If you are unfamiliar with Hoff, he is a well-known children’s author. One of the books he is best known for is Danny and The Dinosaur. Here is a summary of the book.

This is the sweet and funny tale of a young girl named Candy and a Cankersaurus Rex! Candy receives a dinosaur as a gift and is determined to train him to be a good pet.
I loved this book for many reasons, first because it taught many lessons. As a classroom teacher, I could see using this book to teach about greed, friendship, the importance of family, and the consequences of your actions. Candy is a rich girl with everything anyone could ask for except for her dad’s attention. However, Chucky, Candy’s next-door neighbor, is jealous of everything that Candy has in her life. So, to me, that is a lesson in itself that the grass is not always greener on the other side. It is only when Chucky realizes how Candy feels that he begins not to envy her but wants to befriend her. What an excellent way to teach children that it does not matter what you have, but it does matter who you share it with. Having people to share things with makes life a lot more fun. That is an excellent lesson.
If you want this beautiful book, check it out on Amazon.
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