When started blogging, I would have been totally lost if wasn’t for a friend of mine who helped me get started. Since then I have done a lot of research, so much so that my head is swimming. In my search for information I came across these great free resources for bloggers. So if you are looking for anything that is blogging related than check out this list.
- How to Start a Successful Blog in One Hour (Better Blog Booklets)
Building a blog can be your first step to running successful web business. Most people get into blogging to make money. So this guide was written for anyone who wants to blog about a specific niche and generate online income.You will learn why each action item is important and how to implement it. That way you can take immediate action. - How To Make Money Blogging: How I Replaced My Day-Job With My Blog and How You Can Start A Blog Today (Blogging Guide Book 1)
Who this book is written for: Those who want to get started blogging Those who are already blogging but aren’t making as much money as they’d like to.
- How To Create A Website Using WordPress: The Beginner’s Blueprint for Building a Professional Website in 3 Easy Steps (Plus 40+ Premium WordPress Video Tutorials)
This book was written to bridge the gap that most people still think exist – the gap that use to isolate computer programmers from your average Joe. The one tool that has made this all possible is WordPress, an open-source content management system that can be operated by any computer literate person.
- How to Work for Yourself: 100 Ways to Make the Time, Energy and Priorities to Start a Business, Book or Blog
One of the fastest paths to success is starting a new project like a business, blog, book or some other creative endeavor. Side projects can result in extra income, greater fulfillment and even a more enjoyable career. If you aren’t creating something in your spare time, you aren’t reaching your full potential.
- The Truth About SEO – Search Engine Optimization In 2015: Maximize Your Exposure On The Internet And Attract Your Perfect Customers With Traffic Driving Secrets “They” Don’t Want You To Know About
Read this book and you’ll discover:– How to avoid four common Search Engine Optimization myths that are hurting your ranking if you believe them. – 8 costly misconceptions about using SEO to drive traffic to your website. – From SEO to Content Marketing – a guide to the trends, buzzwords, and confusion that’s keeping you invisible to your customers.– Which organic traffic driving methods work best – now, and in the future (including how to increase your website traffic and avoid being negatively affected by Panda, Penguin & Hummingbird updates while your competitors are scrambling to keep up). – The 7 deadly secrets about the SEO and Content Marketing industry. – 8 mistakes to avoid when choosing an SEO consultant.– 4 steps to ranking higher on Google.
- Four Seasons of Creative Writing: 1,000 Prompts to Stop Writer’s Block (Story Prompts for Journaling, Blogging and Beating Writer’s Block)
Writing prompts are questions and hypothetical situations that are able to cure writer’s block instantly. This book gives you exactly one thousand idea-generating prompts that focus on the coldest, warmest, toughest and funniest days of the four seasons.
- Blogging Made Easy – For Any Business: Make Money Blogging – 12 Week Action Plan Inside!
Blogging Made Easy addresses the key issues for people on how to blog and ultimately how to make money blogging.
- WordPress in a week: …Or less
WordPress is the number one free tool used to create dynamic websites, and is used by millions of people from web developers to grandparents to build beautiful websites.In this comprehensive book.
- How Authors Can Build Their Author Platform with Blogging: Smart Blogging Guide for Authors
Blogging is an integral part of an author platform and as an author who is serious about building one and selling books; you should have a blog that serves as a marketing hub to showcase all what you’ve got to say. But blogging isn’t an easy thing. Anyone and even authors can start a blog but not every blog succeed and there are thousands of blogs that “die off” almost every day while new ones have been created as well. This book contains smart tips and strategy to help grow your blog and drive lots of traffic to it without wasting your time or doing all that is unnecessary.
- WordPress SEO: Learn How to Rank Your Website or Blog the Simple Way – SEO for WordPress: WordPress SEO (SEO for WordPress, WordPress SEO, SEO Techniques for WordPress)
SEO is a hot topic right now, but it is certainly nothing new. People have been trying to devise methods for “tricking” the search engines, ever since they were first made. It used to be a lot easier, with many websites rocketing to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), leaving more honest webmasters behind. This meant that there was plenty of garbage content floating around, and it was difficult for users to find what they really needed.
All of these resources are free for Kindle. Remember you don’t need to have a Kindle to download these freebies just grab the App and download it to your tablet, computer or phone and start reading.
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